• 1392/10/11 - 12:18
  • تعداد بازدید خبر : 33
  • زمان مطالعه: 1 دقیقه

The first Student Research Congress of the International Branch of Guilan University of Medical Sciences


The first Student Research Congress of the International Branch of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, entitled Blood Pressure, was held at the Amphitheater of the Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance, in Anzali port (Bandar-e Anzali) on Friday, 22nd of Azar-1392.

The Deputy Minister of Province and President of the University, Dr.H.Behbudi, the MP of Anzali, Mr.H.Khastehband, Vice chancellor of Research and Technology of the University, Dr.Sobhani, Vice chancellor of Management Development, Dr.M.Ashubi, Vice chancellor of Health, Dr.A.Dadashi and some other officials, professors, researchers, students and families attended this magnificent ceremony.


According to the Scientific Secretary, E.Torabi, a Medical Student of the International Branch, the secretariat received 42 scientific papers from 12 universities across the country out of which 8 articles qualified as lectures and 15 as posters after judgments were made.


At the end of the congress, according to the result of judgment (made by professors and students), Best Lecture Award went to Ms Nika Jafary Nour, a Dentistry Student of the International Branch.  

Also, 2 posters received the Best Poster Award which belonged to Ms. Nika Jafary Nour and Ms. Maryam Farahani, Dentistry Students of the International Branch.


Students of the International Branch who won first to third ranks in each field and grade were also awarded Certification of Appreciation and cash prize in the ceremony.

Appreciation of those who passed the Basic Science Exam of Shahrivar 92 was also another part of the congress.

The Congress final statement was read by the Executive Secretary, Mr.S.A.Karimi, a Dentistry Student of International Branch, and was approved by the audience.


  • گروه خبری : IB news
  • کد خبر : 4332
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آخرین بروز رسانی : 1392/10/11 12:18